IME Guards
We make sure your Insurance Medical Exam is handled properly
IME Guards was started with one simple mantra; Protect the Plaintiffs.
In a fair world, IME physicians would be selected by a judge and give unbiased and truly independent opinions without worrying about pleasing their clients, the defense firm. In reality, IME physicians are often highly motivated to give opinions that please the defense firms who hire them. IME Guards protect against this abuse.
Our mission at IME Guards is to balance the scales of justice and do exactly what you would do were you to attend the IME.
Our patient representatives are well qualified and trained to witness IMEs, prevent claimants from being deposed by IME physicians and ensure plaintiff attorneys have an independent record of what transpired in the event that the IME physician's report is inaccurate.
Explain to your client in detail what to expect before the exam;
Accompany and help clients navigate IMEs;
Ensure your client only fills out appropriate paperwork;
Prevent inappropriate questions being answered or inappropriate tests being performed;
Take detailed notes on all questions, responses, tests, instruments used and not used, length of intake/exam/wait etc;
Promptly provide you a detailed report;
Testify or sign an affidavit if there is a disparity between IME physician and Guard reports; and
Translate to Spanish (or many other languages upon reasonable notice) if there is no interpreter present.
Finance your IMEs, ASK US HOW
177A East Main Street, Suite 274. New Rochelle, NY 10801
Tel: (833) 463-2883
If you have any questions or are unsure of how to start, please contact us: